So why is it that we really do what we do?
Our tagline says “A 21st Century Education. For Every Child.”
When we say “Every Child”, we really do mean every child.
Learning Yogi’s ultimate vision is a world in which each and every child gets access to a high-quality education – regardless of the circumstances of his or her birth.
Under our Buy 1 Teach 2 model, for every paid subscription that we receive for the Atlas Mission, we will eventually use the Atlas Mission to teach at least 2 disadvantaged kids.
Our non-profit sister organization called the Learning Yogi Foundation partners with NGOs, foundations and Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) divisions of leading companies to distribute tablets containing the Atlas Mission in low-income communities around the world.
This will help kids in these communities escape the vicious cycle of poverty that their families have been trapped in for generations.
Proven Impact
The Atlas Mission has already been proven to produce significant improvements in learning outcomes amongst underprivileged children.
For instance, in a study conducted in Bangalore (India), underprivileged children who played with the Atlas Mission for a month increased their vocabulary by 50% and their reading scores by 75%.
More importantly, they were able to use the skills they had learned by playing the game to read out novel words which they had not been exposed to in the game, demonstrating learning at a much deeper and conceptual level.